Saturday, October 20, 2007

Clockwork Queen update

Here are some sketchs from my tiny sketchbook (4in X 6in) regarding the clockwork queen story:

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Here is Larson, our excentric inventor/researcher.

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Here's a little sketch of Millie the Mechanic making her debute at a fancy party. The guy with the monicle is the male twin in the story. He doesn't have a name yet. Ideas for names are welcomed ^^;

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Here is the captain and navigator of an airship (still need to design that and name them). They helps the kids out later on their quest to stop the mad scientist.

More to come later. I'm off to St. Paul's Greek Othodox Church for an art history feild trip. I hope the weather stays nice.

1 comment:

Joelle said...

YOUS SO COOL!!! I like the last sketch a lot. good detail!