Saturday, February 26, 2011

Brushes and Sunsets

School has once again picked up and I find myself again very busy. But I have some homework paintings, and a few photographs to share!

Self portrait from today. Something about it seems off to me so I may revisit it later but I doubt I'll have time. I've been feeling a bit 'off' today so that may have carried over to this.

My awesome friend Michelle posed for me while decked out in sweet lolita. My room mate T.Yates painted her too. So cute!

Here is another portrait of Michelle but in day to day clothes. We have to come up with a concept for a series of paintings that we'll be doing during the second half of the semester, and use these homework paintings as experiments leading up to that series. I want to draw portraits of people as they are 'everyday' and as their alter egos, or expressing other sides of their personality.

Here are some paintings from class. I still have to get some photos that I took with my room mate's camera.

Here are some photos I've taken over the last few weeks of sunsets here in Richmond. I love all the colors that sunsets bring, and I love to watch them. They change the sky so drastically even for the few minutes it takes me to take photos of them.

Created with flickr slideshow from softsea.

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