Tuesday, September 28, 2010

30 down, 1 to go!

Hey everyone!

I'm still feeling a bit ill from sinus issues but I managed to finish penciling and inking page 30 of Kale tonight. That leaves ONE MORE PAGE. Holy crap guys. I cant' believe its' almost done. I remember getting home from Nekocon last November, my head spinning with ideas and ambition, and here I am today, almost full circle.

I'd like to take a moment and thank all of my friends, and strangers on the interwebs, who have given me support, kind words, and constructive critiques for Kale over the last year. Without you guys I would have been in the dark and unable to reach my full potential. While this is my first comic issue, and is not perfect, I'm really proud of it and I'm looking forward to sharing it with everyone. Not to mention completing the entire story. At first I planned it as one bigger volume, but due to time it had to be cut in half. Now that I've rewritten a lot of it and am getting used to the pacing, I think it may become three issues in total. Here's hoping other people enjoy it as much as I have :)

Here is a sneak peek at the newest completed page:

Also me after finishing it.

Kale to do list:
+Kale logo/tweak and complete cover
+Scan pages
+Add text to pages
+Format pages
+Format and add 'Extra Content'
The 'extra content' is going to be drawings, doodles and concept art, the 5 page 'Snow of the Wilds' mini comic, some Kale Fanart, and character designs.

I also found out my Alencia wig arrived safely at my parent's house, so I get to play with that this weekend. I also need to finish my costume, and try to make her tunic/dress as canon as possible. I've been having trouble with the sleeves, hopefully I can get some fabric off of the 'skirt' to use for them. Otherwise she won't be 100% accurate but hopefully close enough for one con. I'm looking forward to my good friend Michelle cosplaying as Kale. I will be sure to spam this blog with photos from Nekocon when I get back from it. We're hoping to get some photo shoots done <3 I am excite.

I will return later with the last page and many words of excitement before I get back to work putting this baby together.

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