Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 6

So today's doodle is a bit different. Ryan has been talking about the new Saint's Row game and I remembered he really liked the 3rd one, so I started playing it last night. WOW THIS GAME IS FUN! So here is my Saints Row the 3rd character, "Boss." She has a Russian accent and is super buff under her suit. The customization really blew me away, I gotta say.

I'm calling this a doodle because its technically still a WIP, but I really wanted to share it with you guys. The text on the banner says "Boss" in Russian (at least according to Google Translate).

Don't forget to check out El Goro's shenanigans over at the Talk Without Rhythm blog where he's doing his famous "31 Days of Halloween" movie review podcast. There he reviews a horror movie every day for October in honor of our favorite holiday ever.

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