Sunday, October 20, 2013

Brief Life Update

Hey everyone!

I thought I'd chime in and give you a little update. As you know I had to put a halt on the daily doodle updates for a bit while I get through overtime at work this week. Due to working so much and life stress I had to cancel some plans this weekend and stay home. My CTS was worsening by the end of the work week and I desperately need a physical rest as well as a mental/emotional one. Today there is a memorial service being held in Richmond for Mr. Kerry Talbot, a VCU teacher who passed away recently. He had a very positive impact on my life and how I approach my comic work. It breaks my heart that I can't be present for this, though I hope to honor him in my own way soon (hands permitting).

I'm hoping to hop back on the drawing a day bandwagon soon and get back to work on all my projects; as well as showing them to you. Thanks for sticking with me! More art to come soon!


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