Sunday, July 11, 2010


I spent a couple hours coloring and fixing illustrations for my summer class project. Hopefully I should finish them tomorrow. I also decided to finish up an Alencia picture that I was stuck on because I didn't know how to make a glowing effect. I finally figured it out and I have a finished result.

Alencia- Magic Circle by ~Spork-Bunny on deviantART

I'm pretty proud of it. It'll be a print at Nekocon if I can get a table. Speaking of which according to the Nekocon website they estimate AA table registration should open on the 8th of August. Cutting a bit close I think :/

I also tried to do a book mark test this evening and it turns out my printer is low on ink 9_9 I haven't even used it for anything color lately. Hopefully the ink cartridges aren't obsolete or too hard to find.

Tomorrow I'll be finishing school work and then hopefully finishing another illustration from my queue of 'things to finish coloring' that has been stacking up. I should have a good body of original prints and stuff for Nekocon soon. Also lots of work still needs to be done for both Kale and the 'Or Maybe Not' books before I can send them off to be printed. I'm excited to get it all done.

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