Hey everyone! I thought I'd take a break from the hectic and downright rage-inducing day I've been having at school to drop some updates for you!
Nekocon was pretty awesome. It was a great experience, and while I didn't sell very much I learned a lot and it's not going to deter me from getting a table in the Artist Alley next year. I didn't get to go any panels but a lot of my friends visited me at my table which was great. That and my brother from another mother, El Goro of '
Talk Without Rhythm Podcast', drove down all the way from Ohio to see us :D He had promised me a long time ago that when I get my first AA table he will be there. And he was <3 I was also visited by friends from school and my friend Michelle who cosplayed as Kale from my comic book that I was selling there. I have awesome friends C:
Here is a photo of the table. We have decided that we will have bigger displays next year, and more art in general. We're also hoping to have the 'Or Maybe Not' comics printed up along with some buttons! A friend of mine offered her press for us to use so I think next year we will.
Some pictures of the merch, ganked from facebook since my original photos are on the laptop.
Kale cosplay!
She looks so good ;_; We took a cosplay photo together at the photo booth there (I was dressed as Alencia from my comic as she appears in the first issue, so sans tunic). I might scan the other photo later.
While at the table I decided to keep busy and draw. I would slip each new piece into my portfolio as I finished them. Some of them I may make little prints or buttons out of for next year.
Lil' Conqour for Ryan. Conqour is an out of work B-Movie monster and the star of some of Ryan's original short films. He has such a big personality!
There were lots of steampunks around the con so I drew this lovely lady up. I used some metalic gold gel pen to add shiny bits to her.
A chibi maid.
Chibi Cthulhu. At least he's not happy about it.
I think I'm going to do a nicer Cthulhu print next year...
Disgruntled Lolita. The quote is from 'Return of the Living Dead.' The guy saying it was talking about Punk, but I think it applies so easily to Lolita. Love it!
A gift for Michelle. After her Kale cosplay she went to a Sailor Moon meet up (casual clothing cosplay) as Chibi-moon so I drew Chibi-moon in the outfit she wore to the meet up. I'm quite proud of it, but I would like to do a different background when I get some time.
Done for Ian. He asked for Teddy Roosevelt punching sasquatch in the head. And he got it.
Some of these are going up on DA soon, but for now, I have work to do ;_;
See you later if school doesn't eat me up first!