Friday, December 25, 2009

Comics and Scanners and Christmas, Oh My!

Guess who got an A3 Mustek scanner?

ME!!! 8D

I had a pile of things to scan that are too big for my A4 Canon scanner so I've been having a ball figuring everything out. But now I have the wrinkles ironed out and lots of things scanned, including my 'Run Ramla Run' comic I did over the summer. In fact I'd like to add more to it now :P Go figure, I love making more work for myself. Here are my projects I've scanned for your enjoyment!

Run Ramla Run: A Scion Hero Fan Comic
I actually lost the script that I wrote with this so I had to improvise all the dialogue after scanning it. I think its' all right, at least for now.

Kale Comic Concept Art

I've been drawing a lot of Kale stuff lately, mostly fleshing out characters and trying to draw them all consistently. I even did a hight chart but I may have to do it again, but smaller.

Yule Tide Dinner by ~Spork-Bunny on deviantART

As for the Kale comic itself, I redid page one and will probably end up making another page after it (so splitting what was on page one into two pages) and then continuing on the story. I have lot of perspective coming up so I need to get back into the groove of perspective grids. Drawing the grid correctly is the hardest part for me but other than that its' easy to use.

I hope everyone had a nice Christmas today (for those who celebrate it). Otherwise I hope everyone is staying safe and warm. We're supposed to get freezing rain today so our two feet of snow outside will freeze to solid ice. Nice.

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