Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cafe' Chit-Chat

Alencia and Kale hanging out at a little Cafe’ in Stonebridge. Alencia insisted they have the afternoon tea sampler.

I wanted to show their different mannerisms, draw some everyday armor/new clothes for Kale, and have a cafe setting (I saw Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations first episode about Paris last night. I want to visit there very badly).

As for the city of Stonebridge it’s a cross between Venice and Paris. It was once two towns that decided to join together into one city. They did so by building a stone bridge between the two towns. The bridge is very large and is a symbolic landmark (based on the Rialto bridge in Venice). There are lots of smaller bridges that join areas of the city together, this is just the most famous one. I’ll be doing some concept art for it soon.

WIP sketch. To be colored eventually.
Mechanical Pencil on 400 series Bristol Board

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