Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Holidays and Upcoming Projects

Hello everyone! I hope you had a great holiday, and will be enjoying new year's that is just around the corner. Personally I usually don't do anything for it, but if you are, have fun and stay safe!

As for the holiday season I have been busy since finals ended. Now that things have calmed down a little bit I'm making sure to keep busy with a new project amongst my long list of projects I'm currently working on. I will share more when I have more to share, which should be a in a few weeks when I'm reunited with my huge scanner. But its' got me thinking about Kale, and where I hope to end up with that story.
I still want to tell the story but I feel like I can't do it full justice right now. I have printed the first 'issue' and have a sold a handful of copies, and to everyone who bought one I am very grateful and I whole heartily hope you enjoy it; but I feel for the second issue there are things I must attend to before I continue the story. There are things, besides my skills, that need to be further fleshed out and improved upon before I can finish the story. Since I have one more semester of school left (gods willing) and I'll be looking for a full time job soon, I need to turn my attention to those things. Kale is a story I want to finish, it just needs more work which this first issue has taught me. So, fear not! I have not abandoned our blue haired elf warrior, I merely need to polish her story before I continue it.

As for this new project, I hope to gain a portfolio piece out of it. I'm putting more work behind the making of it, and when its done should be a stand alone comic that can then be continued into a fuller, longer story. It's a collaboration with a close friend of mine and he has kindly agreed to continue the story with me so hopefully we can complete it :)

Aside from that I've been watching Dexter with my parents. Also saw Tron today. I want ALL THE FURNITURE IN THAT MOVIE. It also could have used moar TRON :I It is named after him...

Back to work for me!
see you soon~

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Website is up!

Thanks to my awesome friend Jess, I've been able to launch my website for my portfolio class!


You can visit her site here.

Let's hope I keep up with dreamweaver and the site can continue to evolve. I'm still a bit of a n00b :P

Three Days to go...

Hey everyone!
Taking a little break from finals to bring some teasers for illustrations I've recently finished for senior portfolio (mainly, the ones for my Whitewolf Publishing portfolio that I will be sending off after the holidays).

I really like these snippets on their own too :P But I'm really feeling like I have some good work under my belt this semester. Hopefully I can top it next Spring semester!

And here is a motivational drawing I did for my room-mate and myself, via brush pen.

Here's hoping Finals don't kill us! And good luck to everyone else still fighting through these late nights! WE CAN DO IT!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sketch Break

Took a short study break to draw Ramla, my Scion:Hero character, doing some parkor.

I want to do more comics of her over the winter break. We'll see how it goes.

References via:

Top Pose- http://www.jewarts.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=33:parkour&layout=blog&Itemid=142

Bottom Right Pose- http://ultimate-freedom.tripod.com/parkourhistory.html

Bottom Left Pose-http://www.metroactive.com/metro/08.29.07/parkour-0735.html

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Talk Without T-shirt

For those of you that may have been watching for a while, you'll know that I really enjoy listening to the podcast, "Talk Without Rhythm," hosted by my good friend El Goro and his partner in crime, The Cancer Man. In one of their recent episodes they mentioned wanting to do T-shirts some time soon. At the time I was looking for a fourth project for my Senior Portfolio class so I volunteered my services to make a T-shirt design for the podcast. They've provided me with hours of entertainment, so I was glad to be able to do this.

I did a few designs for the guys to choose from but our overall favorite was the Dune worm. I especially like it because it goes with their slogan for the show. Shirts should be printed some time next year. As soon as they are I'll let you all know! :D NOW GO LISTEN TO THE PODCAST!

And don't forget to join the facebook group!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

This Doctor Makes House Calls...

A quick sanity drawing on some scrap card-stock I found in class yesterday.
Ink and copic marker.

Dr. P by ~Spork-Bunny on deviantART

Back to work on finals...