Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lolita Wars- OMN story arc cover

It is with an aching hand that I post my newest illustration. I was talking with my good friend Ian Davison (of the Talk without Rhythm Podcast) and we've been tinkering with the idea of story arc for "Or Maybe Not" having to do with the whole Lolita culture and basically spoofing it. All good fun. So while he's working on writing up some ideas I sketched out an idea for the 'cover' image for the story and two or three hours later (not sure, I lost count, I just know my hand is really hurting from all the drawing I've done today) I came up with this:


Sorry for the obnoxious watermark but even with small pictures I want to protect them. However a better version will be available in the black and white art book I'm currently working on :D Also might consider making it a print or post card. I'm that proud of it <3 However I'm not sure on the font... does anyone have any good ideas for Lolita-ish or pretty (yet readable) fonts?

Also my awesome friend Sarah gave me a lovely lolita drawing today for my birthday :D I absolutely adore it and I'm getting it framed as soon as possible!

You can see more of her artwork at her Deviantart page!

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