Sorry, no arts today, but I must write this up for my own good! 8D
SRS THINGS TO DO WHILE IN SCHOOL TO HELP ME AS AN ARTIST-Get published in Poictesme: VCU's Literary Journal:This is an anthology that the school puts out. I recently picked up a copy myself and it seems to mainly focus on literary work with some art in it. What better to do than submit a comic or two :D Art and Literature FTW! It says up to 5 pieces, I'll see if I can do a five page self contained comic. It's no Shoujo Phonebook club/anthology but it'll do.
-Join SOCA and go on the New York Trip: I'm glad for the chance to do figure drawing with a bunch of my peers and have no teachers present. I can also use it for my figure drawing "10 sketches per class" assignments. Boy do I love those assignments -_- I'm also hoping to go on the New York trip in spring. I'd love to go to the galleries and emerge myself in art and all its glory! Super inspiration times too. Plus I've always wanted to go to New York.
-Make some nice business cards: This is slightly overdue but I finally found a printable template for business cards that I can use on Photo Shop (and not MS Word) so I should make some. Because I r srs artist.
-Professional Website?: I'm still not very familiar with dream weaver and I haven't had time to really study it. I might just keep
Deviantart and
my art blog for now, but I'll defiantly do one in the future.
-Get an AA table at a con: This will most likely have to wait till the summer and hopefully by then I will have a job to. If I have a job I can pay to get prints and merchandise made (not to mention actual comics printed) and pay to get the table and ticket for said con; then I can sell stuff and hopefully make monies. THAT IS THE PLAN.
Possible merch:
-comic books
-prints/mini posters
-maybe postcards and keychains
-Look into making website -WORK ON COMIC PAGES!!!!!! Gotta have comics to make a comic book :P or three...
-Keep up a good sequential/illustration portfolio to bring to cons. -Keep drawing everyday. -------------------------------------------
I think this is a good start. I need to make some more in depth goals with deadlines, especially for completing the comics and which con I want to/can go to, and making things to sell (when I should finish the pictures, what to make, how much it costs to get made, etc).