Saturday, May 17, 2014

No More Updates Here, Go to New Website for Updates!

Hey everyone! Just an update to keep everyone in the loop.

With my new website the journal feature let me transfer all the posts from this blog over there but if I update here I can't update my website's blog with those posts, soooooooo.... I have to update my blog over there. So if you'd like to keep following my blog and updates about my artwork I will be focusing on posting all of that at my website's blog HERE!

I'll be leaving this blog up but I won't be updating from here anymore. If social media has taught me anything its' that I hate cross-posting to half a dozen websites when I could be using that time to make more art. So for now updates with my work will be on my website's blog, and facebook.

Thanks for sticking with me and I hope you'll join me on this next chapter of my art career!

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