Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Busy Busy Bee

So school is up and running again and it turns out I have a shit-ton of reading to do for classes. I haven't had much time for sketching lately but I have a few things to share. I'm also up to page 5 of "Run Ramla Run" but I'm not sure I can continue it since I haven't played Scion:Hero nor do I "know" Saturday enough to keep writing him in this comic. I do like it so we'll see where it goes.

Recent stuffs:

Pages 3-5 of Run Ramla Run

My good friend Erin now has an 11"x17" scanner so next time I'm over there I'll scan all the pages properly and post them at my deviantart. I spent a lot of time on them so I think they belong there. I may even go back and correct some things on the actual pages. Saturday's face looks off on a panel or two.
Hopefully I'll have more work soon!

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